Have you ever read any of the Body Building or steroid forums out there? Does forum mean a group of people being totally unhelpful towards newbies? Are steroids only for people who want to become oversized? Who doesn't want to Gain muscle and lose fat?I have become frustrated that it is such, seems to me that there is a new wave a Steroid users those who simply want an "edge" to their training programs, perhaps people not looking to become a "Hulk". As soon as anyone suggests using small amounts of steroids they get poo pooed off a forum. I have to ask haven't steroids been used for ages by athletes, not all who want to become huge? Was Ben Johnson huge?
I personally struggled for years in the gym to put on size. Don't get me wrong I love training at the gym and wouldn't miss it for the world........ although there are times of sickness and injury that stop me going, or even just times when work becomes too much and getting to the gym becomes counter productive. I have tried wild tribullus, protein powders, nitrous oxide, creatine and amino acids all which have helped. but no real major changes to my physique. I have found I got good results from eating over 150g of protein a day, whilst taking multivitamins and amino acids.............but nothing compared to adding 400mg of Test. Enth. to that. Suddenly I really started to notice a difference. I was stronger, felt amazing and buffed up with such speed. I can't help but see actors in movies who suddenly become muscle-bound and wonder if they perhaps have the same secret ingredient.
What do i suggest? I recommend training hard, training to failure, finding new techniques to keep it interesting and productive. Taking interest in your diet and eating whole foods and quality meats, I believe that far to many people do not pay enough attention to diet. Also I believe in herbal and homeopathic remedies to help improve the bodies performance, flaxseed oil for a slow bowel, digestive enzymes (eat papaya and pineapple) to get the most out of your foods. Sleeping well, get a good 8 hours a night, don't watch TV before bed and try to relax from the daily grind. lastly, because best when you have everything else in check up the anti with a dose of steroids..............do you research take your pick and get the results you want
We all react differently. If you have plateaued in your training and can do justice to a cycle..... and you have done your research. Jump in :)